- Categories
- Ringfeder: Shaft Coupling & Shaft Locking
- Locking Assemblies
- Ringfeder TNF Flange Couplings
- Ringfeder Elastomer Jaw Couplings TNB
- RINGFEDER TNR Torsional Highflex Couplings
- TSCHAN TNM Flexible Couplings
- Ringfeder TNS Jaw Couplings
- Ringfeder TNZ Gear Couplings
- Ringfeder TNK Barrel Coupling
- Ringfeder TNT Safety Couplings
- Ringfeder TND Torsionally Rigid Disc Couplings
- Ringfeder GWB Metal Bellows Couplings For Encoder
- Servo-insert Couplings GWE RIngfeder
- Servo-Insert Couplings
- Nylon Sleeve Gear Coupling ECT Ringfeder
- Ringfeder Friction Spring
- Ringfeder HENFEL: Hydrodynamic Coupling
- KTR: Shaft Coupling & Shaft Locking
- Cross-morse: Puly, taper bushes, shaft Coupling
- JAC coupling : Gear couplings & Jaw coupling
- PT Couplings: Shaft Couplings
- KBK: Shaft Couplings & Safety Couplings
- 8. Martin couplings and Martin Elastome Rings
- 9. Fenner: Fenner Coupling, Fenner Belt
- 10Wichmann: Universal Joint Shafts
- 11. ITALGIUNTI: Cardan Shaft Coupling
- 12. Westcar: Brake & Fluid couplings
- TRANSFLUID: Fluid Couplings
- 13. Backstop Ringspann Couplings
- Max Dynamic Couplings
- FLENDER: Shaft Couplings
- 16. STIEBER: Freewheel, Sprag Clutch, Backstop
- 17. Hilger u.Kern: Tester Devices
- Helmke: Electric motor AC Germany
- I.Mak: Gear Motors & Gear Units
- Rathi-Lovejoy: Couplings
- Ringfeder: Shaft Coupling & Shaft Locking


DESCRIPTION: The Ringfeder TNS SDDL-5-BSV coupling is a torsionally flexible, puncture proof claw coupling with removable intermediate part comprising the claw rings with brake disk and the buffer ring. It compensates for angular, radial and axial shaft misalignments within defined limits. The coupling transmits torque through elastic buffers loaded in shear. These buffers come in Perbunan (Pb) or polyurethane (Vk), as a standard Vk60D, and are connected to each other to form an elastic buffer ring. This buffer ring dampens shocks and torsional vibrations and is resistant to oil. Buffer rings made of Perbunan are electrically conductive. The two-parted construction of both coupling halves allows radial mounting and dismounting of the intermediate part. The buffer ring can, therefore, be replaced without having to displace the connected machines. When the intermediate part is removed, it is easily possible to check the rotational direction of the drive. The coupling is suitable for use in every direction of rotation and installation position.
Khớp nối hàm linh hoạt Ringfeder TNS SDDL-5-BSV
Khớp nối RINGFEDER TNS SDDL-5-BSV là khớp nối xoắn cực kỳ linh hoạt, không an toàn với phần trung gian có thể tháo rời bao gồm các vòng vuốt với đĩa phanh và vòng đệm. Nó cân bằng các sai lệch về góc, hướng tâm và trục dọc trong các giới hạn xác định. Khớp nối truyền mô-men xoắn thông qua bộ đệm đàn hồi, chịu được áp lực bằng cao su tổng hợp (Pb) hoặc polyurethane (Vk), như một VkR tiêu chuẩn, và được kết nối với nhau để tạo thành một vòng trung gian đàn hồi. Vòng trung gian đàn hồi có thể đệm các tác động và dao động xoắn; nó có khả năng chống dầu. Các vòng trung gian làm bằng Perbunan dẫn điện.
The two-parted construction of both coupling halves allows radial mounting and dismounting of the intermediate part. The intermediate ring and the brake disc can, therefore, be replaced without having to displace the connected machines. When the intermediate part is removed, it is easily possible to check the rotational direction of the drive. The coupling is suitable for use in every direction of rotation and installation position.
Multi-part design coupling with flange hubs, detachable claw rings and full brake disc. The intermediate ring and the brake disc can be replaced by removing the claw rings without moving a shaft.
Standard material for intermediate ring: Vk60D
Installed size L must be maintained without fail. Axial displacement e.g. by thermal expansions of the connected shafts, must be taken into account through allowances for value L.
General features
Torsionally flexible, compensate for angular, radial and axial shaft offset
Intermediate rings loaded in compression
Elastomers available in various shore hardness degrees
Suitable for temperatures from –30°C to +100°C
Coupling outer diameter up to 400 mm, brake disc outer diameter up to 1000mm.
Bores up to max. 160 mm
Torques up to TKn = 13,350 Nm / TKmax = 40,000 Nm
Speeds up to nmax = 7,250 rpm
The rotationally resilient coupling of the RINGFEDER TNS coupling is flexible in all directions and therefore compensates for angular, parallel and axial shaft misalignments of the connected machines. Misalignments can be caused, for example, by inaccurate assembly, heat movements or settling phenomena.
Elastic intermediate ring
With the RINGFEDER-TNS coupling, the torque is transmitted via a compressed elastic intermediate ring. The elastic intermediate ring absorbs shocks and torsional vibrations, is resistant to oil and largely insensitive to temperature.
The strength of different elastomer materials is indicated by their Shore hardness. Elastomers of different strengths are colour-coded for identification. Further details concerning the strength and load capacity are available on request in the technical data sheet.
Elastomer Materials
The elastic intermediate rings of RINGFEDER® TNS are made of butadiene-nitril-rubber (Pb82) or polyurethane (VkR, Vk60D). The black buffer (Pb82) are normally electrically conductive and therefore prevent undesirable electrostatic charges. The red (VkR) and white (Vk60D) rings ensure electrical insulation between connected machines as long as there are no other electrically conductive connections. The resilience of the individual elastomer materials is designated by their Shore hardness. From these values an indirect conclusion can be drawn with respect to the torques the coupling is able to transmit and its spring stiffness. For further details, please see the technical data sheet.
Download catalogue Ringfeder TNS SDDL-5-BSV :
Download Installation Instruction Ringfeder TNS SDDL-5-BSV :
Size | TKN VkR [Nm] |
Dimension [mm] | |||||
d1 Max | d2 Max | A | SB | D1 | L | ||
125 | 250 | 55 | 55 | 315 | 30 | 126 | 286.5 |
145 | 400 | 65 | 55 | 315 | 30 | 145 | 298 |
145 | 400 | 65 | 65 | 355 | 30 | 145 | 298 |
170 | 630 | 75 | 75 | 395 | 30 | 170 | 331.5 |
170 | 630 | 75 | 75 | 445 | 30 | 170 | 354.5 |
230 | 1700 | 110 | 105 | 495 | 30 | 230 | 412.5 |
230 | 1700 | 110 | 105 | 550 | 30 | 230 | 412.5 |
260 | 2650 | 125 | 105 | 550 | 30 | 260 | 469 |
260 | 2650 | 125 | 105 | 625 | 30 | 260 | 469 |
260 | 2650 | 125 | 125 | 705 | 30 | 260 | 469 |
300 | 3900 | 140 | 150 | 625 | 42 | 300 | 492 |
300 | 3900 | 140 | 125 | 705 | 30 | 300 | 480 |
300 | 3900 | 140 | 150 | 795 | 30 | 300 | 480 |
360 | 6500 | 160 | 150 | 625 | 42 | 360 | 540.5 |
360 | 6500 | 160 | 150 | 795 | 30 | 360 | 528.5 |
400 | 8900 | 160 | 185 | 795 | 42 | 400 | 588.5 |
400 | 8900 | 160 | 185 | 995 | 42 | 400 | 588.5 |
Multi-part design coupling with flange hubs, detachable claw rings and full brake disc. The intermediate ring and the brake disc can be replaced by removing the claw rings without moving a shaft.
- Standard material for intermediate ring: Vk60D
- Installed size L must be maintained without fail. Axial displacement e.g. by thermal expansions of the connected shafts, must be taken into account through allowances for value L.
General features
- Torsionally flexible, compensate for angular, radial and axial shaft offset
- Intermediate rings loaded in compression
- Elastomers available in various shore hardness degrees
- Suitable for temperatures from –30°C to +100°C
- Coupling outer diameter up to 400 mm, brake disc outer diameter up to 1000mm.
- Bores up to max. 160 mm
- Torques up to TKn = 13,350 Nm / TKmax = 40,000 Nm
- Speeds up to nmax = 7,250 rpm
The rotationally resilient coupling of the RINGFEDER® TNS coupling is flexible in all directions and therefore compensates for angular, parallel and axial shaft misalignments of the connected machines. Misalignments can be caused, for example, by inaccurate assembly, heat movements or settling phenomena.
Elastic intermediate ring
With the RINGFEDER®-TNS coupling, the torque is transmitted via a compressed elastic intermediate ring. The elastic intermediate ring absorbs shocks and torsional vibrations, is resistant to oil and largely insensitive to temperature.
The strength of different elastomer materials is indicated by their Shore hardness. Elastomers of different strengths are colour-coded for identification. Further details concerning the strength and load capacity are available on request in the technical data sheet.
Elastomer Materials
The elastic intermediate rings of RINGFEDER® TNS are made of butadiene-nitril-rubber (Pb82) or polyurethane (VkR, Vk60D). The black buffer (Pb82) are normally electrically conductive and therefore prevent undesirable electrostatic charges. The red (VkR) and white (Vk60D) rings ensure electrical insulation between connected machines as long as there are no other electrically conductive connections. The resilience of the individual elastomer materials is designated by their Shore hardness. From these values an indirect conclusion can be drawn with respect to the torques the coupling is able to transmit and its spring stiffness. For further details, please see the technical data sheet.
Avoiding Torsional Vibration
By virtue of the rotational resilience of the coupling, dangerous torsional vibrations from the operational range of plant machinery can be transferred to rotational speed ranges in which no negative effects are to be expected. The elastic intermediate rings possess a high material damping capability which makes it possible for the couplings to keep the resonance enhancements within limits when passing through dangerous speed ranges, thereby protecting the coupled machines against damage. The couplings also mitigate torque shocks and cause a vibrating system that has been excited by an impact to come to rest very quickly due to the material damping qualities. The conduction of structure-borne noise is prevented.
Environmental conditions
Các vật liệu đàn hồi được sử dụng hoạt động đáng tin cậy trong phạm vi nhiệt độ xung quanh –30 ° đến + 100 ° C. Vui lòng liên hệ với BỘ TRUYỀN TẢI ĐIỆN RINGFEDER nếu có liên quan đến nhiệt độ môi trường cao hơn. Ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ đến việc lựa chọn kích thước khớp nối được giải thích chi tiết hơn trong các chỉ thị thiết kế được đề cập bên dưới. Nó chỉ được phép vận hành khớp nối trong không khí công nghiệp bình thường. Phương tiện xâm thực có thể tấn công các thành phần khớp nối, bu lông và các phần tử đàn hồi, và do đó, gây nguy hiểm cho sự an toàn vận hành của khớp nối. Khớp nối có thể được tuyên bố là tuân thủ Chỉ thị Châu Âu 2014/34 / EU (ATEX). Vui lòng liên hệ với RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION về việc tuyên bố sự phù hợp theo 2014/34 / EU và ảnh hưởng của các phương tiện truyền thông môi trường xung quanh.